LOVE Christmas. LOVE Gift Box. 6pcs of assorted macarons

LOVE Christmas. LOVE Gift Box. 6pcs of assorted macarons



Door to Door Cold Delivery on the following dates:

Wednesdays - 13, 20, 27 December

Saturdays - 9, 16, 23

FREE SHIPPING for single purchase over 3 boxes


For each LOVE Christmas LOVE Gift Box sold, Little Miss Macarons will donate one bag of Vitameal, which would provide nutritious meal for the whole month for one young child. We are not able to tackle poverty overnight, but we can change one live at a time.

Please support LOVE Christmas LOVE Gift Box. Please support Nourish the Children*.

在這溫馨的聖誕節,Little Miss Macarons 希望讓世界各地小孩子得到更多關愛和溫飽,你買一盒LOVE Christmas LOVE Gift Box,我們便通過Nourish The Children* 捐贈一包蜜兒餐,足夠提供一個小朋友一個月的食糧,我們需要你的協助,請購買及推廣 LOVE Christmas LOVE Gift Box。

6 handcrafted macarons in Little Miss Macarons Signature Flavours:

  • Tangy Passionfruit 清新熱情果 x 2pcs

  • Sea Salt Caramel海鹽焦糖 x 2pcs

  • Raspberry Dark Chocolate 覆盆子黑巧克力x 2pcs

Size: 10cm x 18cm x 3.5cm(h)


1. 長期受飢餓兒童得健康溫飽

2. 入學校接受教育

3. 提升種植生產力

4. 自力更生脫離資助


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